Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Littlest One

Here's our new little Kimberly Maye.
May 13th, 2010
7 lbs - 4 oz and 20 in long

Monday, May 3, 2010

Okay! So here you go a catch up on the last 7 months.

Loves anything boy, playing with cousins or friends and loves learning new things. He is always asking questions.

Ethan wants to do and be just like his dad. Andrew loves taking pictures so Ethan went outside with his camera to get some close ups too.

Loves girlie stuff and will even play boy games cause Ethan won't give in and play girlie games.

Emma loves being all girl. Makeup, perfume, jewelry, and playing dress ups with her cousins. She always looks out for her sister and brother.

Our ball of sunshine. She is growing so fast and loves doing everything Ethan and Emma do. She is learning too fast how to be big.

Ethan and Emma turned 4 and we had both our families to the Tree-house Museum and dinner.

They picked out treats and decorated their own cakes.

For Andrew's birthday we went sledding and the kids loved it. Too bad our winter was really mild.

It was really fun having Tony, Jenny, and Mason here for Christmas. We miss you!

Christmas at the Cheshire's home. All the grandkids love Grandpa's train.

We did Christmas morning at our home this year and it was a blast. I love kids and the whole Christmas spirit. It just keeps on getting better each year.

Andrew and siblings.
Andrew, Tony, Tiffany, & Janica

The Roane clan. Always fun, always something memorable.

Okay so this is what a picture of all the grandkids really looks like.

Here's our best shot.

Evie turned one.

This barn is right by our house and is so fun to look at. Andrew finally had his camera and was able to get this shot. I love it.